Calidad de vida y medioambiente

Abordamos los desafíos de la contaminación del aire y el cambio climático con tecnología y soluciones concretas.

Startups e industria

Trabajamos con los sectores público y privado para enfrentar los desafíos de la descarbonización.

Ciencia y tecnología

Desarrollamos tecnologías disruptivas para enfrentar la contaminación del aire, el cambio climático y la descarbonización en la industria y el transporte.

Pioneros en electromovilidad e hidrógeno verde

Impulsamos tecnologías sostenibles para promover el transporte limpio y reducir la huella de carbono.


CMM participated in the summit on "Cleaner and more efficient fuels and vehicles for the Caribbean"

Venue: Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, 5h and 6th December 2018

The Mario Molina Center (CMM) is a technical partner of UN Environment and has the responsibility of supporting the Latin American and Caribbean region in the adoption of policies for the introduction of cleaner and more efficient fuels and vehicles. Among the objectives is to reduce learning gaps through the provision of technical expertise, for this purpose it is expected to participate in workshops, direct assistance, the realization of diagnostics, as well as the design of public policy built especially for a specific country.

On this occasion, it is the Caribbean area that corresponded to present the advances in this area, for which the summit on "Cleaner and more efficient fuels and vehicles for the Caribbean" will be held, where the CMM will be participating. During the event, the Dominican Republic, Bárbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica will present their latest regulatory updates and, in addition, the promotion of harmonized subregional standards will be discussed.

The event taked place at the Knutsford Court hotel on December 5 and 6 in Kingston, Jamaica; The national working group on cleaner fuels and more efficient vehicles will be present, with the corresponding authorities and the stakeholders that include the refinery sector, vehicle manufacturers / importers and transport experts, to foster dialogue and support the development of fuel quality and vehicle emission standards. and fuel saving policies for their adoption.

